Liquid rubber N 500 - insulation applied manually
N 500 liquid rubber is a universal product that protects against horizontal and vertical leaks and corrosion, especially roofs. It’s great for home use – thanks to its liquid consistency and high viscosity, any DIY can apply, without the need for specialized equipment. A single-layer application significantly reduces time and facilitates work.
It is successfully used to seal gaps between roofing felt or sheet metal around roof accessories, roof windows, skylights, ventilation openings and window sills. The insulating properties of this material are so good that it can be successfully sealed with water tanks!

Great adhesion
Great adhesion and flexibility of the N 500 allow you to get a durable layer that adheres tightly to all types of surfaces and works with them. There is no fear that the product will melt, peel or crack – even after many years. Our product will reach every nook and cranny and fill various material combinations. N 500 is resistant to UV rays, so it can be used inside and outside buildings without the risk of damage from the sun or frost.
The product complies with European Standard EN 15814: 2011 + A2: 2014
Fire resistance class B according to PN-EN 13501-5 + A1: 2010

Advantages of N 500 waterproofing:
- Quick and easy cold application
- Without breaking the roofing felt, removing rust from the sheet
- Flexible up to 900% with shape memory
- No welds
- Does not crack, does not crumble
- Excellent adhesion to most substrates
- Waterproofing horizontal and vertical surfaces
- Resistant to frost, aging and UV radiation
- Environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-flammable
- 10 years manufacturer’s warranty
Geotextile reinforcement
Small gaps, holes, perforations, screws / nails, joints of roofing sheets or roofing sheets, as well as places around chimneys require additional reinforcement. For this purpose, it is recommended to cover the surface of N 500, apply a strip of geotextile and re-apply N 500. Thanks to this treatment, the material will thoroughly insulate the above-mentioned surfaces, will work with them and ensure peace for years.